When should I be baptized?
You should be baptized as soon as possible after you have personally trusted Jesus Christ for salvation and been born again. You are not baptized in order to become a Christian. Rather you are baptized because you are a Christian.
How should I be water baptized?
We baptize by full immersion. The term “baptize” literally means, “to immerse or plunge”. In addition, going under water best represents what happens when you become a Christian. Putting your trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus, you are agreeing with his death as you go down into the water, and agreeing with the new life through the resurrection as you come up out of the water.
Should I be baptized again?
If you were born-again when you were first baptized, and the other church where you were baptized was a true Christian church, then you need not be re-baptized. If, however, your baptism was merely a “religious ritual” conducted before you had a personal relationship with Jesus, then we would encourage you to be water baptized as a sign of you putting your trust in Jesus.
Can my children be baptized?
YES, as long as they thoroughly understand what they are doing. We believe that a younger child can be saved, but the older a child is, the more they will understand and the more meaningful baptism will be for them. Children do not need to be baptized in order to be Christians.
Why should I be water baptized?
You should be water baptized to be obedient to Jesus Christ. We are commanded to be baptized as one of our first acts of surrender to Jesus. Baptism should be an urgent priority for those who have said YES to Jesus. You do not need to be baptized in order to be saved, however, water baptism is an “outward sign” of the “inward work” of Jesus when we were saved. It symbolizes our trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
You should be water baptized in order to publicly profess your faith. Baptism is the initial means by which disciples of Jesus Christ are identified. It provides an opportunity for believers to make a formal profession of their faith before the church and provides a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family to witness their confessions of a changed life.
You should be water baptized in order to symbolize your cleansing from sin. Throughout the New Testament, baptism indicates that a person has “repented” or “turned away” from sin, selfishness, and living independently from God. The writings of the apostles often refer to the fact that disciples of Jesus were “washed from their sin”. Peter writes that the waters of baptism symbolize the inward spiritual reality of the cleansing of our conscience, not the cleansing of our body from dirt.
To register for our next baptism class and be scheduled to be baptized, please click the link below.